Using a Texas Blaster is almost as simple as washing the mud off your truck.
We like to compare it to spray painting. Keep the nozzle at a consistent distance from the surface and keep it moving at a smooth, even, steady stroke. The three main considerations are the nozzle angle, distance, and speed.
It is best to hold the nozzle at a slight backwards angle, say 30 degrees. This directs the blast media away from you and provides a nice even finish.
The distance the nozzle should be held from the workpiece will vary with the nozzle size, media type, grit, and work surface. Every application is different. It is always best to start with the nozzle far away from the work surface and move closer as necessary. The further away from the workpiece the nozzle is held, the softer the finish will be. This also helps to alleviate pitting and warping. Efficiency dictates that you work as close to the piece as possible without causing unwanted results.
The third factor, speed, is how fast you move the nozzle back and forth. An inexperienced operator will whip the nozzle back and forth or concentrate in one area. This can result in a lack of productivity, or worse, pitting or warping the workpiece. It is best to maintain constant, even strokes. Move slow enough to achieve the result you want, but fast enough to not risk overdoing it. Media blasting with abrasives is similar to sanding. If you sand in one spot too long or aggressively, you risk damaging your work surface. It is better to go lightly and make multiple passes. This is extremely important when the workpiece is thin or delicate.
Check out the following video for an example of the correct technique.
Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment. Change the variables until you get the results you want. Blasters are very versatile tools with virtually unlimited uses.
If you need more information or have questions keep reading. Check out Blast School 101 and the Frequently Asked Questions.
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