
We think the Texas Blaster is a pretty awesome tool, but don’t take our word for it. Here’s what you have to say, and some of your great projects!

Saves Time and Work

I purchased this unit 20+ years ago to say with a quality sand blaster, I’ve sandblasted several old lawn tractors and larger tractors, numerous parts that wont fit in my cabinet sandblaster, Texas Blaster works great and saves me a lot of time and work.

C. Safarik
Garfield, AZ
Nov. 21, 2024

The Best Tool

Howdy, from North Texas. I’m using my Texas Blaster as we speak! Couldn’t be more happy with this product! We mostly blast car bodies. I like the toughness, reliability and simplicity of the Texas Blaster. It is by far the best tool I own. I’ve ran it hard for years not with zero problems!

B. Vincent
Cottonwood, Tx
October 21, 2024

Fire Char Removal

Have gotten to do some blasting here recently, unit did a great job cleaning things up for us. The first picture shows just the trim removed on the fire charred damaged home, the second is the initial knockdown of char, the third shows the homes getting closer, and the fourth is a completed project!

Alyeska Builders
North Pole, Alaska
October 18, 2024

Looks Brand New

Here’s the photo of my blaster. I know I’ve had it for 10-15 years. I bought it used, don’t remember what I paid for it. Thought it would like better if all the stickers were on it…. Finally got the stickers on. Unit looks brand new. There’s’ a little rust on the ring and eyebolt inside the funnel. Other than that it look new. Thanks again for the stickers.

K. Abood
Waco, Tx
Sept. 23, 2024

Like A Dream

Thank you again for the information! I set the compressor to 50psi and played with the grit flow and had it working like a dream. The compressor was not too happy with me but I was able to get the job done and very happy with the result! 

J. Ford
July 4, 2024

Serves Perfectly

Bought mine in 2014, or thereabouts. It has served me perfectly for cutting and carving limestone Fireplace mantles and other stoneworks. I hand make with small grinders the stonework and then sandblast them to give them an old world look and make 40 per year.

S. Keith
Cypress, Tx
June 10, 2024

For the Dogs

When you told me to practice blasting before stating on my log cabin to ensure the media matched my desired result, I thought what better place to start than on the cabin for the dogs. Yes, my dogs have a log cabin, too. Thank you for all your help assisting me in getting my setup exactly to what I needed to complete my restoration job.

J. Fuller
Dexter, IA
May 24, 2024

Third Unit

I just placed an order for a blaster. This is my 3rd texas blaster that I have purchased from your company. I purchased my 1st in 2006 I believe. I started a PC business in 2006 and have used your blasters since. My 1st blaster was beyond repair. It started developing holes in the welds. Pretty good value for 16 years of service. For the last 8 years we blast 5 to 6 days a week about 8 hours a day.  I like your blasters because of ease of use and replacement parts are available through the local hardware store. When anyone asks me what blaster we use, I tell them texas blaster.

Mountaintop Powder Coating
Bellefonte, PA
May 15, 2024

Used Unit

I have owned my blaster for  a little over a year and a half after buying it as a used unit through an auction. I have worked on many projects with this for my powder coating side business and for many of my own personal uses including restoring a 1978 Dodge warlock pickup from ground up. Here is a picture, the truck is not finished yet it is still a work in progress. Will send more pictures as I work on the truck.

P. Hardy
Mebane, NC
April 24, 2024

Taken for Granted

I have been using my blaster beginning 1990 . I restore antique tractors and have done many metal fab projects as a hobby. I’m 78 years old and still at it. Sun is shining today and went out to blast a farmall 706 seat assembly and my stopper failed. If it’s complicated it doesn’t work. Your blaster is so easy to use I take it for granted.

R. Lemieux
Rehoboth MA 02769
March 8, 2024

Bought a 2nd Unit

This is my 2nd unit I buy actually with you guys! 1st one was bought back in March 2019. I use this unit for pool work: bead blasting pool tile. We use a lot of: Maxxstrip, Glass Beads & Crushed Glass. Being so new to this type of work in the pool business, I honestly did not pay much attention to my unit or kept with the proper care for it. After years of use, I finally learned a lot of the mistakes I was committing & why my unit didn’t last too long. But I kept it a bit longer in use to practice on it to master some techniques. Now that I consider myself an “expert” , I came to buy a 2nd unit from y’all!

Loved the design, price, everything from my 1st one!!

Can’t wait to try out the new one with the off-road wheels! I appreciate everything y’all do & hope to shop with y’all for more new things to come!

Thank You 100%

Zillah’s Pools LLC
Las Vegas, NV
Jan 11, 2024

A Great Tool

I never got a chance to get good pictures of the interior but the blast pot runs great, we added a vibrator to help media flow but otherwise now that we know how to run it is a smooth operation. When we were running glass beads the air moisture content was just unfortunately high and we were on a schedule so we blasted through. Switched over to medium grit crushed and most of our problems were solved. Running dual moisture traps helped but only so much you can do with 70% humidity. Just an idea but maybe recommend user to use a wrench when changing blast nozzles. Otherwise its been a great tool.

M. Rhodes
Austin, Tx
Oct. 19, 2023

Very Profitable

Ive been very happy with my Texas Blaster it’s been very reliable and have been averaging 4 to 5 pool tile bead blasting jobs per week using #8 and #10 glass beads. Cleaning tile has been very profitable for me, and with the Texas Blaster being very reliable saves on maintenance cost, I’m looking to expand and purchase another blasting put in the future.

Daren Thomas
Moonlight Pool Service
Victorville, CA
June 21, 2023

18 Years Strong

18 years of weekly usage blasting paint stripes off the highway. Too many bags of media cleaning too many miles of highway. Over the years there have been 1/8″ nozzles ordered but never a gasket. Guess you could say I got my moneys’ worth!

T. Lawrynk
Carver, MN
February 9, 2023

Up and Running

Here’s a few pictures of my used unit you got me up and running with. Seems to just dump media  at the beginning and then I it should blast better, but I’m sure it’s just adjustments and I’ve never ran a pot blaster before.  It was a mess inside as the previous owners left black beauty inside that must have gotten went and was like  cement,  took me 2 hours to get it all out and vacuum  the inside clean. But it’s up and running  now with your help!!!!

P. Aikens
Middletown, NH
April 8, 2023

Very Satisfied

We used our new blaster first time yesterday and are very satisfied!

M. Peschka
Las Mesa, NM
February 8, 2023

Excellent Hose

I have owned this unit as part of my automotive business and I have to say besides how easy it is the unit is to use I just love the durable, long lasting hose. It is an excellent hose. We have used fine grit media for 15 years in the unit and it is still going strong.
E. Bennett
Little Rock, AK
Jan 4, 2023

Exceptional Experience

Purchased your blaster a year ago and have used it almost every day to remove rust from heavy equipment to prep for paint. The machine works great, but your customer service is what truly makes this such an exceptional experience! I just stripped the paint off this 16′ jon boat in a few hours. I love it!

1/8″ nozzle with coarse grit media

John Branchaw
D & D Refinishing
Gaithersburg, MD
Jan 31, 2023

Superior System

This is a far superior blasting system that the ALC I was using before. You guys should get more recognition for these units. You can check out our other time-lapse videos on the Log Building Transformation YouTube page.

Log Building Transformations
Lutz, FL
January 5, 2023

Love It!

Good morning. Thank you for the return phone calls and answering my texts messages which is almost another thing of the past. Received my blaster a few weeks ago, had my granddaughter putting it together. Love it. Found the sand you recommended with your 1/8 tip, works great for me.

S. Austerman
Woodville, Tx
January 3, 2023

Ease of Use

Attached are a few photos of the current project I’m working on with my Texas Blaster. I still have more to do on the underside before starting the actual repair/patching. I’ve been using silica sand as the abrasive. I’ve very pleased with the ease of use and the results…

Paul Colette
Avoca, WI
October 18, 2022


The following review was received from a customer after several conversations over the course of a week regarding the packaging of the blaster and its “missing” content. Texas Blaster takes pride in their customer service and this review has been modified to protect the privacy of the customer.

Good afternoon, Jessica. [We] want to apologize profusely for all of the exchanges regarding the sand blaster… You did an amazing job.  You demonstrated inspiring patience and professionalism.  We cannot thank you enough or apologize enough.  All is working quite well.

K. and J.
Silver Spring, MD
October 2022

“Building a Better Blaster” is Legitimate

I am very happy with the blaster and finally building another car for a customer and I am in the process of stripping it using your blaster and crushed glass and soda when appropriate.

I purchased a Texas blaster in May 2021 and have been able to use it to strip 5 frames, 5 vintage car bodies and many other smaller parts in the last year.  Some non automotive relative items like iron gates and even some camping equipment to refinish from early beach salt damage.  The unit has never missed a beat and has been more or less flawless in what I have asked it to do.  

Keep it supplied with air and use properly stored quality media and it won’t let you down!

I am not just a hobbyist.  I own and operate Iron Mike’s Garage in Rockville MD.  We repair, restore and customize vehicles for customers.  Some have been in their families for decades and have had multiple paint jobs and when it comes time to restore them we need to strip them down to the metal.  The Texas Blaster saves me time, saves my customer money and allows us to get to the bottom of things to properly address metal issues and prepare for body work and paint.

I have been in business here since 2010 (12 years so far) and have used many other media blasters.  Some in a cabinet and some in a booth or tent.  Since I have had the Texas Blaster I haven’t even used any of the other media blasters I have.  Most of them I sold off because of the down time those machines required.  Cleaning out nozzles and dealing with the inability to get the air/media mix correct has plagued these other machines.  

With that said The Texas Blaster is different.  Its simple to operate and tune design is superior and maybe 1 or two times have I had a legitimate clog.  I feel this was not actually a fault of the blaster but the area I live in and a secondary component.  In Maryland the weather can be really humid and cause everything to stick together and the water separator starter to fail.  Once I resolved that back to business as usual.

With that said I have used Natrium 300 and 260 Soda without issue.  I have used crushed glass and even walnut without issue.

Another reason to acquire the Texas Blaster, aside from it is built right here in the good ol’ USA is the people who built it know it, use it, work it and stand behind it.  Every question I have asked I was able to get a real answer and help.

The customer service is efficient, prompt and the best I have dealt with.  Another reason going with the Texas Blaster is a good choice is supporting those who have worked hard to make a superior product deserve your business.  Give it to them!

Anyone who wishes to ask me about the Texas Blaster can contact me directly at

Thank you Jessica and Co. at Texas Blaster for making the Texas Blaster attainable and effective.  Their slogan, “Building a Better Blaster”  is legitimate!

Iron Mike’s Garage
Rockville, MD
September 13, 2022

A Solution – UPDATE

Thank you to Jessica at Texas Blaster for answering all the phone calls questions, text messages for replacement parts, and prompt shipment of multiple website orders.

N. Roebke
Wautoma, WI
August 18, 2022
(Original review posted Nov 11, 2021)

Having a Blast

Ordered my second unit today and realized I have had my unit longer than I thought. Thank you for the instructional assembly videos. Time flies when you’re having a blast!

HS&S Machine Tools and Metrology, Inc
Santa Clara, CA
July 18, 2022

The Way to Go

Thank you for the help and the Texas Blaster is the way to go!

T. Parris
Pocatello, ID
June 27, 2022
Via Facebook

Reduced Labor Costs

Our Texas Blaster is working great on a very difficult restoration. The Texas Blaster has reduced our labor costs dramatically on removing approximately 7 layers of paint on a 100 year old church. The Texas Blaster is easy to use and maintain. Jessica has provided excellent customer service and technical support. We will definitely be adding more Texas Blasters.

Kanke Enterprises LLC
Hondo, TX
June 24, 2022

It’s Perfect

Just wanted to let you know that I have had my Blaster for about 5 years I use it very often in my business .I clean calcium on swimming pool tiles and love it perfect for what I do here in Las Vegas.

Marino’s Pool and Spa LLC
Las Vegas, NV
June 24, 2022

Absolutely Love It

I have had my Texas Blaster for about 1 year (absolutely love it!!) I have a small Blasting company. We mainly blast utility trailers, boat trailers, patio furniture. We are attempting to start a monument business with emphasis on death dates in the field using the Texas Blaster.
Thank you for your customer service.

Jon Howell
Northport, Al
May 17, 2022


Texas Blaster has always had astounding customer service. Having ordered my unit years ago, I have spoken to both the previous owner, who was a true Texas character, and the current owner who clearly knows her product equally as well. Today when I called to refresh the CFM to nozzle ratio, I was once again renewed in my decision to order a Texas Blaster.

Galveston, TX
May 3, 2022

Everyone Needs a Texas Blaster

After several more phone calls about media to nozzles to compressors, I finally have the blasting technique worked out. And guess, what? Everyone needs to buy a Texas Blaster from Jessica. It does exactly what she said it will do. She has yet to steer me wrong. Here are the attachments to the previous sandblasted tractor. Thank you so much.

C. Eidemiller
Apple Valley, CA
April 14, 2022


Sandblasted and painted my tractor bucket. Took me a while to find media that worked best for my needs but your customer service helped every step of the way. What, ten phone calls and text messages you answered first on compressors then on media or something around that many. The Texas Blaster is awesome! Next I have a forklift attachment and box scrapper to sandblast with my Texas Blaster.

C. Eidemiller
Apple Valley, CA
March 28, 2022

Accolades for the Texas Blaster

I first purchased the Texas Blaster 4-5 years ago.  I’ve used it to blast my roadster frame and the entire underside of my ’54 Ford.  I’ve also used it on hundreds of smaller car parts as well as stripping the deck boards on the deck of my house.  Prior to the Texas Blaster, I used Harbor Freight units.  No comparison!  The Texas Blaster is a real blaster and it’s worked very well for me!
Thanks from a satisfied customer!

J. Olds
Santa Rosa, CA
February 18, 2022

Blast Booth

Hope these photo’s and drawings provide some inspiration for converting a Texas Blaster into a blast booth!

J. Mitchell
February 15, 2022

Great Customer Service

Thanks so much for your great customer service. Y’all are the best!

S. Degollado
Austin, TX
February 12, 2022

Work Horse

Wanted to let you know, I came into a work facility with the Texas Blaster already in place. It’s definitely a workhorse in our blast area! Thanks a ton Jessica!  Y’all rock!

Advanced Coatings Inc.
164 W 28th Ave
Oshkosh, WI 54902
February 11, 2022

Questions Answered

After weeks of research and cold calling I finally had all my questions answered thanks to Mrs. Jessica at Texas Blaster. Including price comparison and many tips and tricks to get the best bang for my buck! Thank you , wish I called you guys first.

R. Smith
December 15, 2021

Easily Modifiable

Hey. Well I finally got my wagon built with your hopper and I got my trailer done I’ve been working on both of these simultaneously for the past three weeks. Here are some pics as promised thanks again for all your help, Jessica.

Texas Blaster modified to handle pool cleaning needs.

G. Payne
Calcium Crushers
Mesa, AZ
December 5, 2021

A Solution

Happy Blasting! Thank you Texas Blaster for being a part of the solution.

Ultimate Unit using 1/4″ nozzle with 40/80 crushed glass media

N. Roebke
Wautoma, WI
November 11, 2021

Just a Fender

Hi , I’ve owned a Texas Blaster now for several years. I’ve used it clean my car frame, control arms, axle, brake backing plates, and exhaust manifolds. works great! Thanks!

Inner fender 59 Pontiac using 50 grit crushed glass

R. Gregorian
Boise, ID
September 14, 2021

Great Recommendations

It’s very good, Jessica. Currently I’m using sand. Play sand to be exact. It’s cheap and does a quick job on these pieces of pine furniture that I didn’t spend a lot of money on. It is pretty rough though and I do end up wasting sand. At least I can just blast on the ground and not worry about it being wasted. I would definitely not want to waste the glass beads. Haven’t used those yet. I have used fine ground walnut shells it just rather expensive for what I’m doing right now. I switched sand products and I think this go around are a bit bigger and I have now clogged my blaster. It seems to be clogged in the hose or at the nozzle. I just replaced the blown out brass one with a stainless steel version and added the new sand and it is now clogged. Also, I have been wondering how to best determine when the blaster needs to be reloaded?  I wish there was a gauge or “window” to see medium level.

Many thanks for your thoughts and input. Your information is REALLY helpful. Especially the medium recommendations and resources. I am up an running now with no issues!

Many thanks again!

A. Martin
San Antonio, TX
September 8, 2021

Quick and Easy

I figured you might want some pictures using your blaster. Yeah, it’s working great! We did both these jobs today. Quick and easy. Thanks for all your help!

C. Gochenauer
Leisure Center Pool & Spa Center
San Angelo, TX 79604
September 2, 2021

8 Years and Going

Been using your sandblaster for 8 years sandblasting  cars commercial signs and monuments. Still going. Just needed a new gasket!

S. Sparks
Asheboro, NC
Aug. 4, 2021

Easy Going

Rough start but I’m getting better with time. I’m using the 40-70 (glass) medium …. and after you get the hang of it the technique it’s pretty easy going….except for the brutal heat. I cut the back off of the blast hood because it kept fogging up, so it’s basically a hat with a flap hanging in front of my face.   Underneath I wear an N95 and some cheap anti-fog goggle I bought at Lowes.   I get about 20 minutes of blasting before it starts to fog up.  It coincides with the interval that I need to put on dry clothes. Did I mention that it’s hot? Anyway, thanks for all your help.

B. Crocker
Ellijay, GA
July 27, 2021

Running Strong

Howdy TB. Here is Tex getting retro fitted. It squeezed the hose a bit being that I have the old fatty of a hose…and Tex is back up and running strong. Just look at these lovely pictures Tex took care of grandly.

J. Charron
Essex Junction, VT
July 23, 2021

White Clean

Just wanted to send some pictures of what white clean really looks like with the correct blaster! Thanks for all your assistance getting my blaster to air compressor set up working correctly for my specific needs.

Palm Springs, CA
July 19, 2021

Exactly What I Needed

I will be upfront and honest with you. I have been researching ways of stripping these logs for 3 years. I was close to spending $4 to $5k on a Clemco or Similar blaster. And then I stumbled onto your website. The price was really appealing and then I got nervous that by me being thrifty, It might bite me in the butt for not spending more money. Finally I thought, lets take a chance and go with the Texas Blaster. And if gets the job done then it was money well spent. So I ordered it and was still skeptical when it showed up.

But I will tell you now. It did exactly what I needed and is still like brand new.

I do have a couple ideas that I will share with you that I will eventually try. And these are just personal preferences that I feel will work better for my situation. 1. I am going to add maybe another 1.5″ extension to the top rim so that when I am dumping a 50# bag of sand. It will not fill up and spill. 2. Re-weld the bead where the hopper is welded to the nipple. It has a slight crack from day one. No biggie. Just needs to be beefed up. 3. I think i might add an 1″ taller wheel just to give the fitting a little more clearance when on uneven ground. 4. Try filing off the sharp edge on the 2″ nipple so it doesn’t cut the rubber gasket so quickly. That is really the only issue that I ran across while using the blaster. The gasket had a slight tear from where the sharp edge finally cut into it.

These are just personal things i will try for myself. Not knocking your design. Just going to make it work better for me.

Overall! I will give it a 9.9 out of 10 rating. And the extra 20′ hose is a must when working on a cabin. Thanks for the recommendation.

D. Laman
Aretsia, NM
June 15, 2021

Works Great

Hi , I’ve owned a Texas Blaster now for several years. I’ve used it clean my car frame, control arms, axle, brake backing plates, and exhaust manifolds. works great! Thanks!

R. Gregorian
Boise, ID
June 10, 2021

Branching Out

Just wanted to send more pictures of the work I do with my Texas Blaster. My business started out on rocks and now has expanded to include tile, wood, and even leather work all with #5 blast sand.

M. Rose
Granbury, TX
May 10, 2021

Zero Problems

Five pool tiles cleanings this weekend and zero problems with the Texas Blaster. I have scheduled three more for this coming weekend. I even did this one all by myself! Thanks again for your help.

Media Used: #10 glass beads or MaxxStrip with 35 CFM compressor and a desiccant dryer.

Daren Thomas
Moonlight Pool Service
Victorville, CA
April 12, 2021

Easy Update

Wanted to update to a new hose and bottom end for easy hose removal. After talking to customer service and the parts ordered, the old machine is now new. What an easy update to a unit over 30 years old! Thank you.

D. Panzarino
Mahopac, NY
March 30, 2021

Works Great!!

I’ve had my blaster for several years. It’s Awesome!! New tips and it worked great!!

T. Boone
Spruce Pine, NC
March 23, 2021


We use the blaster mainly in removing rust and layers of years old paint from project vehicles when they come to us in all sorts of conditions. We have been pleased with the Texas Blaster, it has worked well, and I expect it’s over 3 years old now.

M Series Rebuild LLC
Norwood, NC
Feb 25, 2021

Awesome Oldie

Having used my Texas Blaster on mucky farm work, I decided to use it on something fun. A 72 Chevy truck frame. Blaster does awesome even if it’s an oldie model!

F. Smith
Feb 10, 2021

Quality Product

We sandblast everything except outside sheet metal which is why we chose a great unit like the Texas Blaster!

Midwest Muscle Car Restoration
Allenton, WI
January 31, 2021

Amazing Speed

I’ve been using my used Texas Blaster for quite a while now and been amazed in the speed that I can get a job done. Im looking at purchasing a blast cabinet here shortly. The pressure pot cabinets are substantially more expensive than a siphon feed type. I would like to use my Texas Blaster to power my cabinet via the quick connect blast hose and look forward to being able to use the blaster in various means. Thanks.

C. Biggs
January 31, 2021

Excellent Product

Just wanted to thank you for the super fast processing and shipping of my blaster. Ordere December 22 and received December 27. Amazing for being over Christmas. Thank you for the great customer service. I got it all put together in just a few minutes and is extremely well built.  Attached are some pics of last weeks blast and coat projects. If I had known what I was missing I would have purchased a Texas Blaster years ago. This thing has made my job ten times easier and more efficient. No longer have to worry about sending customers to someone else for blasting. Thank you for the excellent product.

For this I used coal slag since it was all steel parts.  I was sure to be careful with the grill due to it being so old and had been sitting out in the weather for several years.  I am sure I will be using different types of media as my blasting business expands.

R. Ailey
RaW Powder Coating
Maryville, TN
January 19, 2021

First Class

The Texas Blaster is a well made product and the support is excellant. I learned a lot about blasting with my truck bed project and don’t regret going First Class with your product.

G. Beattie
Rochester, IN
December 8, 2020

My Old Texas Blaster

Was looking at ordering a new Texas Blaster when I discovered my old Texas Blaster was still being built the same way today as it was then. Modifications have been made here and there along the way over the last 30 years. When my work demands change, my old Texas Blaster changes with me.

Pictures are worth their weight in gold and as you can see, my pot is not pretty but it works just like it did the day I got it. Guess the saying is true, if ain’t broke don’t fit it!

M. Rose
Granbury, TX
November 22, 2020

Product Versatility

I just wanted to say that my new Texas blaster works well. I ran it for almost an entire week and we are getting to know one another quite well. Thank you Jessica. A 175 year old log cabin needed cob media, its a fragile building. It really brightens everything up. At my home last week I used glass media for ding another job, proving your products versatility!

K. Shipman
Fort Wayne, IN
September 21, 2020

Blasting Weekly

Bought my blaster from you all in April 2019, just now in need of some gaskets for the stop to pressurize the tank. I blast with it multiple times a week on car parts, antique furniture, and various other items such as rod iron furniture or the metal chairs/gliders. I just use regular play sand to blast with and always 90+ psi. I’ve changed a few things on my blaster though to work more efficiently for what I do.

L. Proctor
JKL Customs & Coating
September 13, 2020

Holy Smokes!

Arrived Saturday…and the biggest disappointment is that its still snowing up here so I won’t be out using the new Texas Blaster but I will keep you posted on progress….

Just got started TODAY with our Log Home project…
Monday-Learning Curve
Hopefully Tuesday goes better (logs not blaster that gave us grief)…BUT…so stoked on Texas Blaster and after a day of trial and error and fine tuning the back and forth skills…I have HIGH hopes for the rest of the week….

HOLY SMOKES! I did rent the 185cfm tow behind compressor as you suggested and it proved to be a HUGE success. That was awesome info and way beyond the call of duty…AND…thank you! Now to get a home air compressor to use for around the house projects. So stoked still on Texas Blaster and plan on doing alot more with it. Thank you Jessica!

D. Watkins
Liberty, UT
August 5, 2020

Great Assistance

After several calls to customer assistance, Jessica got me up and running. Figured a few pictures were needed to show how well the unit did on my first of many, many projects. Thank you for everything.

J. Hatcher
Antlers, OK
August 4, 2020

Years to Come

I’ve had this blaster for about 2 years after getting it from my uncle that had it about that long. He didn’t use it much but I run mine almost every day. I’m a powder coater in Las Vegas and I keep it working. 4 years in besides nozzles and ball valves, a gasket was the first thing to need replacing. Wish I could say that about some of my other equipment.

Looking forward to using this blaster for years to come. I put a long 3/16” venturi nozzle on it with a product called 10X and its very efficient even blasting powder off. Thanks for the help!

K. Helgestad
Vegas Metal Works, LLC
July 7, 2020

Simple To Use

 Our company has owned the unit for about 3 years. We work in the oilfield and blast pipe with this unit all the time. It is very simple to use. All of our guys love using it when a short blasting job is needed. Thank You.

Schumacher Construction
Carthage, TX
June 23, 2020

Going Strong

Hello, I bought a texas blaster back in 2016 and it’s still going strong. I seen where I could receive a gasket for the pull up ring if I emailed yall. I use my blaster for prepping metal for powder coating with fine or medium black coal slag.  Thanks for the unit!

T. Bre
Hanson, KY
May 3, 2020

A Simple Modification

The one thing I did add and it made a world of difference for both blasting and filling the pot was I added an air vibrator to the bottom of the blaster.

J. Brown
Niagara, WI
June 16, 2020

Solid Built

Afternoon. Thank you for your speedy customer service in response to my small gasket concern. In needing to use this tool everyday, I was worried about the down time to correct the issue. Your solution was great and I appreciate the honesty in ability to modify the pot with off the shelf components. The pot is solid and well built.

Las Vegas, NV
June 1, 2020

Lots of Use

Purchased my blaster maybe five or six years ago and am in need of some new gaskets. Saw on your webpage Texas Blaster uses receive two free gaskets by simply asking. I did not expect that at all! Really like my Texas Blaster and get a lot of use from it.

P. Clements
Spangle, WA
April 23, 2020

Stands True

Just wanted to let you know I have had your little blaster for several years now and it has never once let me down. It does what it does each and every time. Being a small business owner myself, I understand the struggle of quality work at a fair price. Your blaster stands true to its word. Thank you for a sound, affordable unit.

Tim Greene
StandFast Work Forge
April 22, 202

Pots Work Well

I’ve been using your pots for a while now.  I remember when I first got started doing this years ago, I had talked to an older guy several times and asked lots of questions.  He was always very helpful!  Can’t remember his name, but I know he was the “Blast Boss”.  I stay pretty busy cleaning pool tile in Southern California using a few different types of media and your pots have worked very well for me.

Dave Nicholson
Nicholson Pool Service and Repair
CA State Contractors LIc. #994598
April 14, 2020

Exceptional Product

Hi. I have had your blaster for 3 years. Exceptional product.

Ray R.
Reedsville WI
March 18, 2020

Old and Strong

Morning! After 15 plus years, my Texas Blaster may be old but it still going strong. I can’t wait to try my out my new lighter hose and boron nozzle. Thanks you for help in converting my unit.

Tracey H.
Temecula, CA
Feb. 5, 2020

Restoration Dream

The Texas Blaster is a hot rod restorer dream tool. Having placed it outside in a lean-to blast booth, being able to easily move the blaster unit is great.

Hunter Powder Coating
Espanola, NM
Feb 26, 2020

Money Maker

Having purchased a Texas Blaster last winter for snowmobile repair work, the Texas Blaster has now paid for itself and makes me money!

Skip Whitney
Bensenville, IL
Jan. 13, 2020

Very Pleased

I have owned my Texas Blaster for 6 years. I am in the commercial shrimp business and use the blaster to remove rust from my boats and rigging . I have been very pleased with my ultimate rig. Thank you as I have got a lot of good use out of my Texas Blaster!!

B. Harris
Brunswick, GA
Jan. 10, 2020

Works as Stated

Afternoon. Thank you for your speedy customer service on replacing the the damaged hose. While I was managing with the 10 foot hose, the 20 extension made the job so much nicer. I followed your advice and an additional water filter to help with the moisture coming from the compressor. Worked like a charm and did not affect the media flow at all. Here are some pictures of my log cabin restoration.

Patrick W.
O’Fallon, MO
Dec. 14, 2019

Built to Last

You can find pressure pot sand blasters for cheaper, but Texas Blaster is the place to spend your hard earned money wisely.  “Best blast for the buck” you might say!  I’ve had mine for 2 years now and I smile every time I roll it out to use it.  Everything from the super durable wheels, industrial style hose coupler and long lasting carbide blast nozzle is top notch and built to last. What are you waiting for?!!.. Get yours ordered today, you’ll thank me! 

Rick Kreuziger
Restorations by Rick Kreuziger, Merrillan, WI
Dec. 15, 2019

Great Customer Service

Thank you, thank you for all your help in getting my unit upgraded. I never expected to receive such outstanding customer service on a unit I bought used and in such a state disrepair. Just look at the state of the blaster before it was brought up to date with new parts, a working hose, and nozzle. Once I got the CFM tuned in, the blaster worked as if it were new!

Jeremy B.
My Victory, OH
Nov. 22, 2019

Easily Modifiable

Wanted to let you know how I easily I modified my Texas Blaster Ultimate Unit. To reach those hard to get to places I simply added a length of black pipe between the Nozzle Holder Assembly and the Nozzle. This allowed me to clean my shipping container without having to climb a ladder. It was a cheap and easy fix that work well for me and I wanted to let you customers know so they can do it too.

Brandon F.
Oct. 31, 2019


Just finished final blasting. That was a steep learning curve, and fun. Tried coarse walnut, removed a lot of material, but left small pock marks. Went over that with fine walnut, and fine glass beads. Had no problem with clogging on 1/4 inch as compressor was a massive 137cfm. Definitely the way forward. The only clogging problem was when I recycled abrasive, larger chunks of wood, 1/4 inch or larger, would get stuck in nozzle. I attached nozzle holder assembly which allowed me to shut off nozzle unscrew it to get blockage cleared without having to go back to blaster and shut off at lower assembly. Made a simple screen, reused material 4 times during process after each screening the final screening left me 19lbs of fine walnut from a bag of 25lbs. Probably could easily get 20+ after a bit of refinement. Overall I was really pleased with the Blaster, worked really well once I got the hang of it. I am going to try fine sand next on one last tree root to see how that goes. Just need to finish working on these three first.  I am ready to go for next project.

Russ Martin
Chores and More, Austin, Texas
Oct. 02, 2019


Via Facebook
Armando H.
Sept 13, 2019

It’s Been Great!

I purchased a Texas Blaster from you in 2010. It’s been great! Originally I purchased your Texas Blaster to prepare a Fire Escape project for painting. But I’ve used it for rusty wheels and things of that sort.

It has been a great tool for me. I came up with an idea I’ve wanted to share with you ever since. I attached a light on my nozzle and it is fantastic! It is quite simple, a brass bar cut with ½” pipe thread both sides so you can fix a light on it and the sand doesn’t get to the wiring

Floyd R.
North Dakota
Sept 12, 2019

Controlled Media

Just wanted to let you know after having used it for more than a year and half, I have been happy with my Texas Blaster. Typically I shoot the silicon carbide. From there I go to Starblast, aluminum oxide, or garnet, depending what I am engraving. I am happy to no longer have my Schmidt as I use less media with yours, have much more control, therefore, more speed and better engraving results and with the lighter hose sans a dead man,  less fatigue.

Phil H.
Carved Stone, Inc., Dripping Springs, TX
July 22, 2019

Great Business Example

Texas Blaster,

Thank you for checking in with us and for the refund. I was going to leave you a message telling you thank you for the continued great service, but you beat me to it with your email. We have been up and running now for 4 years, and I have to tell you that Texas Blaster is one of the companies that we used to base our model on. We’re small, probably one of your smallest business customers, but we like what you do and how you do it. Thanks for the great product and service. Thank you also for being a great business example.

Doug Mothersell
Twisted Willow Fabrication LLC , Geneseo, NY
June 28, 2019

Historic Renovation

Texas Blaster was a big part of the total renovation of a historic Lord & Burnham (circa 1929) greenhouse. 90 years of paints were removed from the greenhouse steel framework and cast iron gutters with crushed glass.

Riefler Construction Products
Hamburg, NY
June 19, 2019

Years of Service

After years of service, I finally a technical issue. With a quick call, the blaster issue (moisture from the snow storm outside) was resolved and I was back on track with my project deadline. Thank you for your help as I was able to deliver my furniture to its customer on time!

S. Carlise
Furniture By Carlise, Montrose, CO
May 28, 2019

Great Texas Company

We have been using Texas Blaster for 3 years to clean swimming pool mineral deposits from tile and water features. I have used other blasters in the past, but none performed like my Texas Blaster. I even once accidentally dropped my blaster in a swimming pool (mortal sin), and a simple call to them got me operational immediately. The construction of the blaster is phenomenal. A great Texas company with exceptional customer service.

Before and After
Cleaning Deposits from Pool Tile

Chris Lopez
Media Pool Tile Cleaning, El Paso, TX
April 23, 2019

Mighty Fine!

Just called to say your unit is mighty fine. Have completed my aluminum bell housing project and am very pleased.

Charlie Brown
Charlie Brown’s Garage, Greenville, TX
April 19, 2019

Paid for Itself

My new Texas Blaster helped me knock out 5 jobs this weekend, close to 1000 pounds of media in 2 days. Thanks for the response and your help, I appreciate it. Awesome product well made, paid for itself many times over already.

ValleyWide Blasting Calcium Removal Before & After
Before & After Calcium Removal

Thanks again.
Brent Schafer
ValleyWide Blasting Calcium Removal
March 27, 2019

A Nice Tool

Pictures say it all.

This is after the Texas Blaster.  It was really good.  A very nice tool to have to complete this job.
Thank you and thank you for your products.  I am pleased.

October 29, 2018
VW Restoration using a 3/32″ nozzle with soda and sand

It’s a Beast

I will say that once this blaster is dialed in it’s a “BEAST”.

Its done a good job.
From start to finish, the Texas Blaster worked great.  Thanks!

Bryan R.
May 26, 2018
97 and 2000 TJ Jeep Frame Restoration

Simple Yet Robust

Howdy Texas!

We received our new Texas Blaster today at Shaw Classic Auto Works. We put the blaster to work immediately on a 1969 Mach1 Mustang we are restoring for a customer.

The thing is a beast! We love it!

Our old Chaina made tinker toy blaster is going out with the next load of scrap meatal which is leaving later today.

Thanks for such a robust and simple machine, we have lots of projects lined up for it.

Dave Shaw
June 24, 2015

Worth More than I Paid

This week I took delivery of a Texas Blaster at Dynamix Auto Repair in Lakewood New Jersy and when I assembled the unit and tested it the performance far surpassed my expectations.

It is quick, very very quick. I tried to have everything ready to include having a dedicated 1/2″ supply hose for the unit.

I would describe my skill level as advanced intermediate with an aggregate total time spent sand blasting of between eighty and 100 hours in preparation for welding and bodywork in my business.

The construction of the unit is excellent with first class materials used througout. I can now do in minutes jobs that formally required hours for me to do.


Fine Product


Thank you for a fine product. I received my unit last week in good condition. Assembling the unit was straight forward. After a bit of trial and error regarding the sequencing of getting started and shutting it down, it worked beautifully. I’m very pleased! I did eliminate the shut offf valve (you said it was optional in the instructions) at the end of the hose, electing to have an empty hose every time  I begin makes the operations much smoother. I perfer the simplicity and not having to remember evon one more step in the process. It likely and age thing. Ha Ha. So, once again, from start to finish, I appreciate the service; the prompt delivery and most of all the fine product you make.

Mike Hill
Denning, WA

Best Small Blaster

Dear TexasBlaster,

A couple of months ago I bought a sandblaster from y’all. I just got it in operationthis week and I want to tell you it is te best small blaster around.

I was tollaly surprised on how well it works.

I am completely satisfied with it and hope to do future business with you

Thank you,
Bill Ragsdale

Keep it Up!

I received my blaster today and wanted to tell you thanks for building a quality product.
I’m sick of “made in China” juck and I am very impressed with the Texas Blaster.
I love the simple yet rugged engineering and quality construction.
I received the item in two days!
Keep up the great work!
God Bless America!


Log Home


I bought your product to blast my log home and get ready for new stain. No joke, this think worked, did not get clogged once… you read that right, not once.

Brian Boudreau

Provides Support

The blaster I purchased works great. The blaster lived up to everything I read about it before I purchased it. It’s nice to deal with a company that you can call and talk to someone that can answer your questions, knows the product and provides support. Good resource for newbies.

It’s great to see the “Made in America” label.

Thank You,
Dave Welsing
Denmark, WI

A Better Blaster

I tried the other, cheaper unit. You know, the red one from the box store. Worked ok, I guess. It just wasn’t holding up to my needs. The nozzles did’t last anytime at all and it was a pain to fill. I needed something better. So I started looking for an industrial unit. Whoa! Have you seen the price of those things? Then while reading reviews on the internet, I found the Texas Blaster. This thing is great. Real industrial hoses and nozzles. A real solid tool. This thing is a definitely a better blaster.

T.L. Crawford
Clayton County, GA

Does a Great Job

I can say for a fact, this little blaster does a great job.
Better blasting, less time, with less sand, it doesn’t clog often at all, and I do “NOT” have to replace nozzles every hour !!

Wonderful little blaster.

Richard Skinner

Awesome Machine

This past weekend I used the Texas Blaster I purchased several weeks ago. Awesome little machine. Why would anyone want anything bigger or smaller? You got money you want to throw away, get something else. You want to make your money work hard for you? Get a Texas Blaster. Used Bicarb first, it will do bicarb and then some. If it can do Bicarb it can do anything. Thanks for a great machine and a fabulout product.

Eddie Williams
Murfreesboro, TN

See It In Action!


I bought a Texas Blaster and love it! It worked like a charm to refinish my cabin. Thought you might want to check out a video of me in action.

Nathan Sparrow
Project Manager/Estimator
Consolidated Enterprises, Inc
Anchorage, AK

Industrial Grade


When we added your blaster to our blaster inventory – truthfully, I did not think that an industrial-grade blast machine could be bought for under a thousand dollars. Well, I have to tell you, I was wrong. Your blast machine will keep up with any of our bigger more expensive units all – day – long!

We are very happy sailors.

Thank you,
Steven Shellin, Cmrd. U.S.N.

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All images/videos are credited to their respective owners. They have only been modified from their original state for website sizing and are used with permissions granted by the owner in accordance to our Terms and Conditions. All text is used as provided by the customer via email, text, or verbal with no modifications made to spelling, verbiage, or structure.